Virginia Eviction Reduction Pilot (VERP) Planning Grant Needs Assessment

Title of Project: Virginia Eviction Reduction Pilot (VERP) Planning Grant Needs Assessment of Roanoke City
Principal Investigator (PI): David Moore, Senior Research Faculty, Virginia Tech Institute for Policy and Governance (VTIPG)
Co-Investigators: Mel Jones, Associate Director, Virginia Tech Center for Housing Research; Lara Nagle, Community-Based Research Manager, VTIPG
Key Community Partners: Total Action for Progress (TAP); Roanoke City; Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority; Legal Aid Society of Roanoke; Council of Community Services (CCS)
Key University Partners: Virginia Tech Center for Housing Research; Virginia Tech Institute for Policy and Governance
Description of Project: The research team utilized demographic statistics, court administrative records, CoStar real estate data, and stakeholder interviews to synthesize information on the local housing market with information on eviction trends. Furthermore, the study team conducted a literature and policy review. Topics included causes and impacts of evictions, gaps in resources and services, and benefits of eviction prevention and diversion programs in Roanoke City.
The final report discusses eviction-related policy through multiple angles and resources, best practices, and recommendations that may be critical for stakeholders working in the Roanoke Valley to support individuals facing eviction or the threat of eviction.
Project Goals
Help stakeholders to understand current eviction trends, better understand the community’s needs regarding eviction prevention and diversion, and explore the potential impact of an eviction prevention and diversion program.
Assist communities in creating a local/regional coordinated systems approach to effectively prevent evictions. Such systems should also include how to divert evictions once the household has received an unlawful detainer in instances where evictions cannot be prevented.
Project Materials
Virginia Eviction Reduction Pilot (VERP) Planning Grant Needs Assessment Final Report
Publication Date
October 31, 2021
Locality: Roanoke City, VA
Project Period: August - October 2021
Total Funding: $45,000
Funding Source: Total Action for Progress (TAP); Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)