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Critz Community Center Visioning
VTIPG partnered with Reynolds Homestead, the Community Design Assistance Center (CDAC), and Envision Critz to conduct a series of community workshops to envision the renovation of a historic home for community use, as well as develop a land-use plan for the 13-acre plot surrounding the home. The design envisioned the creation of a community center oriented around arts and cultural programming that serves all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds in the community.
Sep 30, 2022
Conversations in Community Change
IPG Director Max Stephenson Jr. and Virginia Tech Graduate School Director of Communications Cathy Grimes co-edited two volumes comprising the Conversations series.
Reimagining St. Paul’s College
VTIPG has been working with alumni of St. Paul's College (SPC) in Lawrenceville, VA, to re-envision the role of this historically Black college and university (HBCU) that closed in 2013. The team has assisted with strategic planning and board governance.
TAP Triennial Needs Assessment
VTIPG conducted Total Action for Progress (TAP)’s triennial Community Needs Assessment (CNA) to guide the continued development and improvement of its programs and services. The CNA identified the top needs in the service area including individual-, household-, and community-level needs, as well as the impact of COVID-19 and the effects the pandemic had on TAP’s communities.
SwiftStart assisted unemployed and underemployed parents with child care responsibilities to access training for higher-paying, middle-skilled careers in health care, information technology, or advanced manufacturing. VTIPG supported program implementation and evaluation from 2016-2021.
Vibrant Virginia
VTIPG received seed funding through the Vibrant Virginia Initiative for two projects, the first focused on opioid use disorder (OUD) and the second on community development in Southwest and Southside Virginia. A major goal of Vibrant Virginia is to connect and grow a network of researchers and practitioners interested in addressing concerns throughout Virginia’s urban and rural communities.
Virginia Eviction Reduction Pilot (VERP) Planning Grant Needs Assessment
VTIPG partnered with the Virginia Tech Center for Housing Research to conduct an eviction reduction needs assessment for Total Action for Progress (TAP), funded by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). The research team utilized demographic statistics, court administrative records, CoStar real estate data, and stakeholder interviews to analyze eviction trends.
Oct 31, 2021