Showing 53 result(s).
Resource ItemAssessment for Co-location of Health Care Services with HOPE, Inc. , resource
VTIPG and the Virginia Tech Institute for Society, Culture and Environment (ISCE) conducted an assessment of several options for HOPE, Inc. (HOPE) to co-locate health care services with other service providers.
Resource ItemAssessment of Human Resource Efficacy for Virginia Mental Health Facilities , resource
VTIPG assessed human resource capacities and per diem rates to guide the efficient and effective distribution of resources among Virginia's state mental health facilities.
Resource ItemAsset Mapping of the Regional Recovery System, Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commision , resource
In collaboration with the Roanoke Valley Collective Response to the Opioid and Addiction Crisis (RVCR), the Virginia Tech Institute for Policy and Governance (VT IPG) has taken on the process of updating the asset mapping of the recovery ecosystem in the region’s served by these organizations.
Resource ItemBehavioral Health Interpreter (BHI) , resource
The behavioral health interpreter training program aims to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively interpret in mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) settings.
Resource ItemC2C Housing First Toolkit , resource
In order to better understand the Housing First model and to provide more information about Housing First to developers and operators of recovery housing, the C2C team developed a Housing First toolkit. The toolkit includes information from interviews with existing Housing First programs run by Virginia Supportive Housing, REAL LIFE, and DESC, in addition to budgets, program policies, and other resources.
Resource ItemChild HANDS: Building Child and Family Policy Research Data Capacity for the Commonwealth of Virginia through an Integrated Model , resource
Using a federated data approach to multi-agency data integration, the central aim of Project Child HANDS (Child Care Subsidy, Health and Early Education: Helping Analyze Needed Data Securely) is to build an integrated, web-based data system for Virginia childhood initiatives aimed at low-income families, to guide program evaluation and policy decisions at the state and local levels.
Resource ItemCivilianLEAD , resource
CivilianLEAD is a specialized training program designed to develop and enhance the leadership skills of individuals who hold civilian leadership roles at Virginia State Police. The program helps participants to develop a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and responsibilities associated with leading law enforcement organizations.
Resource ItemConversations in Community Change , resource
IPG Director Max Stephenson Jr. and Virginia Tech Graduate School Director of Communications Cathy Grimes co-edited two volumes comprising the Conversations series.
Resource ItemCritz Community Center Visioning , resource
VTIPG partnered with Reynolds Homestead, the Community Design Assistance Center (CDAC), and Envision Critz to conduct a series of community workshops to envision the renovation of a historic home for community use, as well as develop a land-use plan for the 13-acre plot surrounding the home. The design envisioned the creation of a community center oriented around arts and cultural programming that serves all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds in the community.
Resource ItemDEQ Floyd Donkenny Project Visioning , resource
VTIPG has partnered with the Community Design Assistance Center (CDAC) to conduct community engagement to inform conceptual redesigns for the former Donkenny property in Floyd, VA, with funding from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).
Resource ItemFamily Research Unit , resource
The Family Research Unit (FRU) provides research, technical expertise and human capacity to Fairfax County’s Department of Family Services Child Protective Services (CPS), Foster Care and Adoptions (FC&A), and the Fairfax/Falls Church Children's Services Act (CSA) Programs. The FRU team, with a 23+ year history, is comprised of research faculty and staff, with vast expertise in revenue maximization for children and youth being served by the above-mentioned programs.
Redirect ItemFragile Foundations and Enduring Challenges , redirect
IPG Director Max Stephenson offers unique insight into the state of politics and policymaking in the United States with this volume of timely essays. Covering the period 2010-2018, his essays chronicle a growing crisis in American governance with many of the nation’s values and principles under siege—including the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and the ability of a share of its citizens otherwise eligible to vote to exercise their right to do so.
Redirect ItemFurthering the Targets of SDG5 for Gender Equality , redirect
Regan Price wrote a policy brief entitled, “Furthering the targets of SDG5 on gender equality through building strong public institutions and strengthening collaboration,” alongside senior staff members of the United Nations and in collaboration with VTIPG. The brief examines the role of strengthened government accountability and transparency, improved public service delivery and collaboration, and enhanced public institution gender-responsiveness to address gender inequality across the world.
Redirect ItemHeat Ready, Roanoke! , redirect
Theo Lim, Assistant Professor in Virginia Tech's Urban Affairs and Planning, along with Research Scientists David Moore and Lara Nagle from the Institute for Policy and Governance, are partnering with Carilion Clinic, Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action, and the City of Roanoke to improve environmental literacy and develop climate resilience with funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Resource ItemImpactful Community Engaged Planning (ICEP) for the Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts (RCAHD) , resource
The Institute is working with the Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts (RCAHD) on a three-year process to improve the health department's community engagement strategies and data collection, and to make these strategies part of ongoing operations with the goal of continually assessing and refining service delivery.
Resource ItemLeadership and Management Pathways Program (LAMPP) , resource
The LAMPP program focuses on facility, office, department, or shift group training needs for front line staff and new managers, with funding from the Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation (VCBR).
Resource ItemLoudoun County Virginia Foster Care Revenue Maximization , resource
VTIPG assessed Loudoun County’s foster care caseload and the efficacy of Loudoun County staff to maximize revenues, as well as identify funding alternatives for children in foster care.
Resource ItemLoudoun County Virginia Nonprofit Needs Assessment , resource
VTIPG conducted an assessment to support and inform considerations for restructuring Loudoun County’s nonprofit grant program, overseen by the Loudoun County Department of Management and Budget and a steering committee representing county human services offices and the nonprofit community.
Resource ItemMaré from the Inside , resource
The Maré Research Group is a multi-stakeholder, international research and artistic partnership led by Professors Desirée Poets, Max Stephenson, and Nicholas Barnes, as well as community organizers Henrique Gomes de Silva and Andreza Jorge. The team has been conducting ongoing research documenting the lives of residents of the Complexo da Maré in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, through library exhibits, roundtable discussions, and written works.
Redirect ItemMelwood Programmatic and Economic Impact Evaluation , redirect
In partnership with the Center for Economic and Community Engagement at Virginia Tech, the Institute supported a programmatic and economic impact assessment of the AbilityOne program at Melwood, a major nonprofit organization serving those with disabilities, in the greater Washington D.C area.
Resource ItemMontgomery County Children's Services Act (CSA) Evaluation , resource
VTIPG conducted an assessment for Montgomery County, VA, child services leadership to better understand how the county’s CSA process and structure operated in comparison to peer localities.
Redirect ItemNIH STARS , redirect
The Studies To Advance Recovery Support (STARS) Network is a thematic, stakeholder-focused research network that aims to generate trainings, tools, and platforms targeted to the implementation and study of peer recovery support services for individuals treated with medications for opioid use disorder. The STARS Network provides a critical foundation for high-priority research on peer recovery support services to inform their expansion and advance recovery among individuals with opioid use disorder.
Resource ItemPartnership in Self-Sufficiency , resource
VTIPG worked with five Local Departments of Social Services (LDSS) in the New River Valley, collectively known as the Partners for Self-Sufficiency (PSS), to provide tailored wrap around services to address employment barriers and service needs for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) clients.
Resource ItemPeer Empowered Addiction Recovery Living (PEARL) , resource
The Peer Empowered Addiction Recovery Living (PEARL) program of Piedmont Community Services (PCS) provides a 6-12 month residential stay in safe, supportive recovery housing, including access to counseling, case management, office-based opioid treatment (OBOT), and pregnancy and postpartum-specific care coordination. VTIPG provided technical assistance, photovoice program evaluation, and grant proposal support to assist Piedmont Community Services with the launch and maintenance of the PEARL program.
Resource ItemPeer Mentor Champion Training , resource
Virginia Tech’s Peer Mentor Champion Training is designed to build capacity in public organizations by providing the tools and training employees need to create customized peer mentoring programs that are meaningful for their specific environments.
Resource ItemRE: Reflections and Explorations , resource
The online essay series “RE: Reflections and Explorations” allowed Virginia Tech graduate students to share articles concerning their evolving research, interests, and experiences on topics relevant to the VTIPG mission. These essays analyze the critical issue of democratic agency and its challenges, the difficulties of self-governance in inter-governmental cooperation and in racial, ethnic, and religious diversity, and challenges resulting from rapid widespread economic, social, and technological shifts.
Resource ItemRefugees with Disabilities in Jordan: Challenges and opportunities for participation , resource
This inquiry explores a range of challenges faced by, and opportunities available to, Syrian refugees with disabilities in Jordan that shape their capacity to engage in their communities. This study seeks to chart a share of Jordan’s efforts to comply with its international obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, drawing on the lived experiences and insights of Syrian refugees with disabilities currently living in Jordan and staff members of relevant civil society service and support organizations.
Resource ItemReimagining St. Paul’s College , resource
VTIPG has been working with alumni of St. Paul's College (SPC) in Lawrenceville, VA, to re-envision the role of this historically Black college and university (HBCU) that closed in 2013. The team has assisted with strategic planning and board governance.
Resource ItemReimagining the Past for the Future: The Calfee Cultural and Community Center , resource
VTIPG has had the privilege of learning about the work occurring at the Calfee Cultural & Community Center (CCCC) in Pulaski, Virginia. The original Calfee Training School in which the CCCC is located was a Black elementary and middle school, which closed with desegregation in 1966 and has been vacant for some years. A group of school alumni and Pulaski residents has mobilized to reimagine the physical space as well as preserve the important and too-little-known history of the school.
Resource ItemReview of Selected Assumptions Underlying the Proposed Greene County Water and Sewer Financial Model , resource
The Virginia Tech Institute for Policy and Governance (VTIPG) conducted a limited review of the housing start assumptions used for the proposed Greene County Water and Sewer Financial Model.
Resource ItemRoanoke Valley Collective Response Blueprint for Action Update , resource
This project will include a thorough review, expansion, and updating of the Blueprint for Action previously written in 2020, within the given timeframe in four phases: orientation, data gathering, analysis and planning, and reporting.
Resource ItemRoanoke Valley Connection to Care (C2C) , resource
The C2C project is a novel multi-stakeholder intervention using referral, crisis response resources, case management capacities, and backpacks equipped with potentially life-saving tools to address goals of: 1) timely referral of persons experiencing or at-risk of overdose or other substance use health-related consequence; 2) reduction in overdose and relapse; and 3) connecting consumers to appropriate harm reduction, treatment and recovery programs.
Resource ItemSAMHSA Evaluation Team , resource
The SAMHSA Evaluation Team has provided grant performance evaluation, needs and outcome assessments for several Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grants for two southwest Virginia community services boards: Mount Rogers Community Services and New River Valley Community Services. The purpose of these grants is to expand services to un- and under-insured adults and youth with serious mental illness, substance use disorders, or co-occurring disorders.
Resource ItemSSI Advocacy for Employment Options (SAFE) , resource
VTIPG led the SSI Advocacy for Employment Options (SAFE) initiative to develop and deliver a training and technical assistance model for disability assessment and SSI advocacy for the TANF and VIEW programs.
Resource ItemSwiftStart , resource
SwiftStart assisted unemployed and underemployed parents with child care responsibilities to access training for higher-paying, middle-skilled careers in health care, information technology, or advanced manufacturing. VTIPG supported program implementation and evaluation from 2016-2021.
Resource ItemTAP Pathway Home , resource
TAP's Pathway Home program helps people in jails, prisons and Community Corrections Facilities (CCFs) return to their communities, find jobs, and avoid re-incarceration. Pathway Home supports participants every step of the way, from before release to a year of follow-up.
Resource ItemTAP RESTORE Evaluation , resource
The Re-Employment, Support, and Training for the Opioid Related Epidemic (RESTORE) program provided by Total Action for Progress (TAP) has assisted women directly and indirectly impacted by the opioid epidemic by providing career services and job training. VTIPG conducted a program evaluation of RESTORE analyzing administrative data and findings from surveys and interviews with participants, RESTORE staff and training providers.
Resource ItemTAP Triennial Needs Assessment , resource
VTIPG conducted Total Action for Progress (TAP)’s triennial Community Needs Assessment (CNA) to guide the continued development and improvement of its programs and services. The CNA identified the top needs in the service area including individual-, household-, and community-level needs, as well as the impact of COVID-19 and the effects the pandemic had on TAP’s communities.
Resource ItemUSDA MRCS Smyth Campus Expansion for Crisis Care , resource
Mount Rogers Community Services (MRCS) received USDA Emergency Rural Health Care grant funding to expand and optimize their Smyth County mental health and recovery campus. A team of VT faculty and graduate students is evaluating health outcomes, the construction process, health economics, the partnership network, and the trauma-informed design components of the project.
Resource ItemUnderstanding Language Access: A Comprehensive Needs Assessment , resource
This research project aims to enhance language access within the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) and Community Services Boards (CSBs) for Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals across Virginia.
Resource ItemUnited Way of Southwest Virginia Smart Beginnings , resource
VTIPG provided assessment and mapping of early child development risk and protective factors for United Way of Southwest Virginia through Smart Beginnings Southwest. The research informed strategic planning and programming for early child initiatives in the service region.
Resource ItemVCCS-WDS Veterans Demonstration Project , resource
VTIPG, StreamLines, LLC, and collaborative partners conducted research at the request of the Virginia Community College System - Workforce Development Services (VCCS-WDS) for the Virginia Veterans Demonstration Project funded by the U.S. Department of Labor. The Demonstration Project intended to improve educational and employment opportunities for Virginia’s Transitioning Service Members (TSMs) and veterans.
Resource ItemVibrant Virginia , resource
VTIPG received seed funding through the Vibrant Virginia Initiative for two projects, the first focused on opioid use disorder (OUD) and the second on community development in Southwest and Southside Virginia. A major goal of Vibrant Virginia is to connect and grow a network of researchers and practitioners interested in addressing concerns throughout Virginia’s urban and rural communities.
Resource ItemViolent Infrastructure: Ecologies of Decay and Displacement , resource
Violent Infrastructure: Ecologies of Decay and Displacement is the name of a traveling Photovoice exhibition based on a multi-year, feminist visual ethnography project led by Ariel Otruba. The research project examines the emotional impact of abject housing infrastructure conditions on internally displaced persons (IDPs) forced to flee the 1992-1993 Georgian-Abkhaz war.
Resource ItemVirginia Department of Health (VDH) WIC Assessment , resource
VTIPG assisted the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) in assessing the strengths, weaknesses and gaps in utilization of the Women, Infants and Children’s Special Supplemental Nutrition (WIC) program among foster care parents of eligible children and young women.
Resource ItemVirginia Eviction Reduction Pilot (VERP) Planning Grant Needs Assessment , resource
VTIPG partnered with the Virginia Tech Center for Housing Research to conduct an eviction reduction needs assessment for Total Action for Progress (TAP), funded by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). The research team utilized demographic statistics, court administrative records, CoStar real estate data, and stakeholder interviews to analyze eviction trends.
Resource ItemVirginia Management Fellows Program , resource
The VMF program launched in 2017 and is a nationally recognized management and leadership succession pipeline program that equips college graduates who are interested in state public service with the knowledge and capacities to lead successfully in today's complex governing environment.
Resource ItemVirginia Public Sector Leader (VPSL) Program , resource
VPSL is a dynamic leadership development certificate program offered by Virginia Tech that is tailored to professionals at all levels within the public sector. This comprehensive program is designed to enhance leadership skills and address the evolving needs of state agencies.
Resource ItemVirginia Rural Health Association (VRHA) Veteran's Health Care in Rural Virginia , resource
Informed by community roundtable discussions, VTIPG collaborated with the Virginia Rural Health Association (VRHA) to develop issue briefs on the status and health needs of veterans in rural areas.
Resource ItemVirginia Star Quality Initiative Evaluation Report , resource
VTIPG faculty collaborated with the Virginia Tech Child Development Center for Learning & Research to conduct a process evaluation of the Virginia Star Quality Initiative (VSQI) pilot project.
Resource ItemVirginia Wounded Warrior Program: Needs and Gap Assessment , resource
VTIPG collaborated with the Virginia Tech Center for Survey Research and the Virginia Tech Center for Geospatial Information Technology to conduct a comprehensive study of veteran’s needs, experiences and service gaps in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Resource ItemVirtual Project Management Training , resource
This project provides project management training for a selected group of employees at the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) to enhance their skills and knowledge in this important area.
Resource ItemYWCA NETN and SWVA Recovery Ecosystem Needs Assessment , resource
YWCA NETN and SWVA was awarded a 2022 INSPIRE Initiative grant by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) to fund a community needs assessment, which was conducted by Virginia Tech. The VT team reported on key findings from the interview, survey, and data collection process of identifying wraparound services, gaps, and networking capacity to strengthen the recovery ecosystem in the YWCA service area, and to inform the vision for a planned community wellness and resource center in Glade Spring, VA, to increase family resiliency.