Behavioral Health Interpreter (BHI)

Title of Project: Behavioral Health Interpreter (BHI)
Project Period: 2020-2025
Localities: Commonwealth of Virginia Community Service Boards
Funding Source(s): Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS)
Principle Investigator (PI): Cecily Rodriguez, Associate Director for Research and Organizational Innovation
Key Community Partners: DBHDS
Description of Project:
Participants will learn how to effectively convey information while maintaining confidentiality, cultural sensitivity, and ethical standards. The program covers topics such as communication techniques, mental health terminology, crisis intervention, and self-care strategies for interpreters. Through a combination of lectures, group discussions, and role-playing exercises, participants develop the skills needed to support effective communication between providers and patients in behavioral health settings. Upon completion of the program, participants are prepared to work as competent and professional behavioral health interpreters, enhancing access to mental health services for diverse populations.