VCCS-WDS Veterans Demonstration Project

VTIPG, StreamLines, LLC, and collaborative partners conducted research at the request of the Virginia Community College System - Workforce Development Services (VCCS-WDS), as part of the Virginia Veterans Demonstration Project funded by the U.S. Department of Labor. The Demonstration Project had four components intended to improve educational and employment opportunities for Virginia’s Transitioning Service Members (TSMs) and veterans:
- a mentoring program for those seeking degrees and certifications at five pilot community colleges;
- a credit for prior learning initiative at five pilot community colleges;
- the Bridge to Employment initiative providing support to TSMs to connect to employers in three target industry sectors;
- an asset mapping and gap analysis study of services available to TSMs and veterans.
The asset mapping, best practices research, and gap analysis were the key components of a formative evaluation study that provided research findings to support program and policy action recommendations for the Virginia Board of Workforce Development
The VTIPG project team included PI Mary Beth Dunkenberger, Co-PI Liz Allen, and graduate student assistant support.