
Title of Project: SwiftStart
Project Period: 2016-2021
Localities: Roanoke and New River Valleys
Funding Source(s): U.S. Department of Labor
Principle Investigator (PI): Dr. David Moore, Associate Director for Strategic Partnerships
Co-Investigators: Mary Beth Dunkenberger, Lara Nagle, Liz Allen, Raymond Zuniga (CPAP)
Key Community Partners: Total Action for Progress (TAP); New River Community Action (NRCA)
Key University Partners: Center for Public Administration and Policy (CPAP)
Description of Project:
Dr. David Moore of VTIPG directed the SwiftStart program in partnership with Total Action for Progress (TAP) and New River Community Action (NRCA). The primary goal of the SwiftStart program was to provide working parents in southwestern Virginia with career pathways to secure higher-wage jobs by helping them obtain affordable, high-quality early childcare. The program also provided other critical supports while participants completed skills training in health care, information technology, and advanced manufacturing.
VTIPG and the Center for Public Administration and Policy (CPAP) conducted an assessment of the SwiftStart program, examining impacts on participants and their income/employment status, changes in participants’ family stability and childcare supports; as well as program successes and challenges as perceived by participants, training providers, career mentors, childcare providers, and employers affiliated with the program. The research team also conducted a photovoice study with a sample of SwiftStart participants to document how the process of participating in the program impacted their employment and opportunities for their families.
Project Materials:
SwiftStart Evaluation Executive Summary