Leadership and Management Pathways Program (LAMPP)

Project Period (duration): 2018-Present
Localities: Commonwealth of Virginia
Funding Source(s): Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation (VCBR)
Principle Investigator (PI): Cecily Rodriguez, Associate Director for Research and Organizational Innovation
Co-Investigators: Dr. Anne Walters, Applied Research Associate
Key Community Partners: VCBR of the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS)
Description of Project:
The LAMPP program focuses on identified facility, office, department, or shift group training needs for front line staff and new managers.
Project Goals:
- Skill-building around self-awareness and how to apply such awareness at the hospital/center.
- Recognizing the use of management and leadership behaviors, and how they merge.
- Exploring the fundamentals of influencing others.
- Enhancing communication styles and tactics.
- Understanding how to think and act beyond one department or team.
- Creating a toolkit to strengthen manager and facility resiliency.