Private-Public Partnerships with a Social Purpose (P4)

Build Social Equity to Craft the Public Good
Experiential learning project to develop relationships across public and private sectors with the goal to understand how we work together to serve the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia
The P4 is built to provide learning and human interaction between Fellows, high schoolers, and community partners. The program focuses on leadership learning, job readiness, and career opportunities in government.
Project Perspective
Next-gen leaders across university communities+ Early Professionals in practicing communities + Public high school students + Public and private sector support
Networked group expands individual & collective power.
The P4 Goals
- To prepare youth to work in ambiguous work environments and partnerships in their future careers
- To establish Virginia communities of opportunity to lift up populations who are underrepresented in the Virginia workforce
- To understand the importance of blended and purposive learning and practicing communities
- To learn and deploy P4 project management skills
- To experience and analyze the idiosyncrasies of working in a public-private partnership
- To explore and internalize the ideas of altruism in today’s working environment
- To develop an approach, curriculum design, and project map that can be replicated by other Virginia universities in future P4 efforts
- To expand personal and professional networks through peer and hierarchical mentoring
To learn about and engage in opportunities of the future in public, private, and nonprofit sectors in the Commonwealth of Virginia
Program Elements
1. Students discover their own unique skills and passions through practicing self-reflection and using trusted assessment instruments.
2. Students relate to opportunities and resources through a network comprised of state, business, school, and community volunteers.
3. Local businesses and nonprofits engage with students to develop relationships and create foundations for a talent pipeline.
4. Fellows gain project management and leadership experience through facilitating meetings, organizing events, and reaching out to stakeholders.
5. Fellows use their own educational, professional, and personal experiences intended to inspire and guide students.

The 2021-2023 P4 Partner
P4 Project Partners