VTIPG Welcomes Aziz Ardiç as a Visiting Graduate Fellow
September 19, 2023

VTIPG is honored to host Aziz Ardiç as a visiting graduate fellow from Istanbul University as he pursues his Ph.D. in philosophy. Mr. Ardiç, who arrived in August, is in residence for the calendar year as a result of the support of a national fellowship awarded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. He is working with VTIPG Director Dr. Max Stephenson, Jr. on his dissertation, which is entitled “Comparative Analysis of Institution Politics via Michael Foucault and Giles Deleuze.” His work focuses on neo-institutionalism, neoliberalism and governmentality.
Aziz previously completed his master’s (M.A.) in philosophy at Istanbul University in 2020. His thesis was entitled, “Rethinking Identity Politics Through the Concept of Intersectionality.” Aziz received his B.A. in Anthropology with Latin Language and Literature (double major) and philosophy (minor) from Istanbul University in 2017.
Institute Director, Dr. Stephenson, is delighted to have Mr. Ardiç with VTIPG this year. As he has stated, “It is a special pleasure and privilege to have Aziz as a member of our community. His fellowship program represents the very best potential and possibility implicit in international academic exchange. We can all learn with and from one another. I look forward very much to accompanying Aziz on his intellectual journey in the coming months.”