IPG Celebrates Updates to Office

Publication Date: March 30, 2022
VTIPG staff and faculty welcomed old and new friends to celebrate its newly renovated office on 201 West Roanoke Street on March 23, 2022. More than 35 Virginia Tech colleagues and friends came to see the building’s fresh improvements, including new flooring and paint throughout the building. Institute faculty and staff provided a luncheon for guests that included soup, sandwiches, and a variety of desserts.
The new workspace took several months to complete. Faculty and staff packed and stored their belongings and IPG materials ranging from books, art work, office desks and chairs, and personal materials shortly before the holidays and the team moved back into its space in mid-January, as the Spring 2022 semester began. Our senior staff member, Karen Boone, with the support of Billy Parvatam, our administrative and media specialist, and graduate student Lacy Watson, took great care in the details of packing and unpacking much of the office—they make quite a team!
Our building updates would not have been possible without the help of several people. Special thanks to IPG Associate Director Mary Beth Dunkenberger for planning and shepherding this complex process and to Kenneth Black of VT Renovations for his helpful and careful supervision of our project on behalf of the office. Erin Poff, Assistant Dean for Administration and Finance in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies, also played a key role behind the scenes in bringing this effort to fruition. We owe thanks, too, to our project partners and longtime supporters throughout the University for their continued engagement with the Institute.
Please come visit us soon in our refurbished space and be sure to check out the artwork of past and current students, including our newest additions of Leslie-Ann Robertson Foncette’s beautiful photographs!