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Resources for 2023

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Family Research Unit
The Family Research Unit (FRU) provides research, technical expertise and human capacity to Fairfax County’s Department of Family Services Child Protective Services (CPS), Foster Care and Adoptions (FC&A), and the Fairfax/Falls Church Children's Services Act (CSA) Programs. The FRU team, with a 23+ year history, is comprised of research faculty and staff, with vast expertise in revenue maximization for children and youth being served by the above-mentioned programs.
Sep 27, 2023
Impactful Community Engaged Planning (ICEP) for the Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts (RCAHD)
The Institute is working with the Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts (RCAHD) on a three-year process to improve the health department's community engagement strategies and data collection, and to make these strategies part of ongoing operations with the goal of continually assessing and refining service delivery.
Jan 9, 2024
Maré from the Inside
The Maré Research Group is a multi-stakeholder, international research and artistic partnership led by Professors Desirée Poets, Max Stephenson, and Nicholas Barnes, as well as community organizers Henrique Gomes de Silva and Andreza Jorge. The team has been conducting ongoing research documenting the lives of residents of the Complexo da Maré in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, through library exhibits, roundtable discussions, and written works.
Nov 1, 2022
SAMHSA Evaluation Team
The SAMHSA Evaluation Team has provided grant performance evaluation, needs and outcome assessments for several Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grants for two southwest Virginia community services boards: Mount Rogers Community Services and New River Valley Community Services. The purpose of these grants is to expand services to un- and under-insured adults and youth with serious mental illness, substance use disorders, or co-occurring disorders.
Jun 23, 2023
Behavioral Health Interpreter (BHI)
The behavioral health interpreter training program aims to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively interpret in mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) settings.
C2C Housing First Toolkit
In order to better understand the Housing First model and to provide more information about Housing First to developers and operators of recovery housing, the C2C team developed a Housing First toolkit. The toolkit includes information from interviews with existing Housing First programs run by Virginia Supportive Housing, REAL LIFE, and DESC, in addition to budgets, program policies, and other resources.
Dec 1, 2022
CivilianLEAD is a specialized training program designed to develop and enhance the leadership skills of individuals who hold civilian leadership roles at Virginia State Police. The program helps participants to develop a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and responsibilities associated with leading law enforcement organizations.
Conversations in Community Change
IPG Director Max Stephenson Jr. and Virginia Tech Graduate School Director of Communications Cathy Grimes co-edited two volumes comprising the Conversations series.
Leadership and Management Pathways Program (LAMPP)
The LAMPP program focuses on facility, office, department, or shift group training needs for front line staff and new managers, with funding from the Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation (VCBR).
Peer Mentor Champion Training
Virginia Tech’s Peer Mentor Champion Training is designed to build capacity in public organizations by providing the tools and training employees need to create customized peer mentoring programs that are meaningful for their specific environments.
RE: Reflections and Explorations
The online essay series “RE: Reflections and Explorations” allowed Virginia Tech graduate students to share articles concerning their evolving research, interests, and experiences on topics relevant to the VTIPG mission. These essays analyze the critical issue of democratic agency and its challenges, the difficulties of self-governance in inter-governmental cooperation and in racial, ethnic, and religious diversity, and challenges resulting from rapid widespread economic, social, and technological shifts.
Jun 24, 2024
Reimagining St. Paul’s College
VTIPG has been working with alumni of St. Paul's College (SPC) in Lawrenceville, VA, to re-envision the role of this historically Black college and university (HBCU) that closed in 2013. The team has assisted with strategic planning and board governance.
Roanoke Valley Connection to Care (C2C)
The C2C project is a novel multi-stakeholder intervention using referral, crisis response resources, case management capacities, and backpacks equipped with potentially life-saving tools to address goals of: 1) timely referral of persons experiencing or at-risk of overdose or other substance use health-related consequence; 2) reduction in overdose and relapse; and 3) connecting consumers to appropriate harm reduction, treatment and recovery programs.
Jan 1, 2022
TAP Pathway Home
TAP's Pathway Home program helps people in jails, prisons and Community Corrections Facilities (CCFs) return to their communities, find jobs, and avoid re-incarceration. Pathway Home supports participants every step of the way, from before release to a year of follow-up.
Peer Empowered Addiction Recovery Living (PEARL)
The Peer Empowered Addiction Recovery Living (PEARL) program of Piedmont Community Services (PCS) provides a 6-12 month residential stay in safe, supportive recovery housing, including access to counseling, case management, office-based opioid treatment (OBOT), and pregnancy and postpartum-specific care coordination. VTIPG provided technical assistance, photovoice program evaluation, and grant proposal support to assist Piedmont Community Services with the launch and maintenance of the PEARL program.
Jun 1, 2022
Violent Infrastructure: Ecologies of Decay and Displacement
Violent Infrastructure: Ecologies of Decay and Displacement is the name of a traveling Photovoice exhibition based on a multi-year, feminist visual ethnography project led by Ariel Otruba. The research project examines the emotional impact of abject housing infrastructure conditions on internally displaced persons (IDPs) forced to flee the 1992-1993 Georgian-Abkhaz war.
Virginia Management Fellows Program
The VMF program launched in 2017 and is a nationally recognized management and leadership succession pipeline program that equips college graduates who are interested in state public service with the knowledge and capacities to lead successfully in today's complex governing environment.
Virginia Public Sector Leader (VPSL) Program
VPSL is a dynamic leadership development certificate program offered by Virginia Tech that is tailored to professionals at all levels within the public sector. This comprehensive program is designed to enhance leadership skills and address the evolving needs of state agencies.
YWCA NETN and SWVA Recovery Ecosystem Needs Assessment
YWCA NETN and SWVA was awarded a 2022 INSPIRE Initiative grant by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) to fund a community needs assessment, which was conducted by Virginia Tech. The VT team reported on key findings from the interview, survey, and data collection process of identifying wraparound services, gaps, and networking capacity to strengthen the recovery ecosystem in the YWCA service area, and to inform the vision for a planned community wellness and resource center in Glade Spring, VA, to increase family resiliency.